Monday, December 24, 2007

Today I was posed an intriguing question and I'd like to take sometime to think about it. The question that I was asked was to think about your own life. Think about the greatest thing you have ever done, and think about the worst thing you have ever done. Try to remember what motivated you to do the former, and try to remember what motivated you to do the latter. How similar are these two motives?

Now this really struck me in several different ways. First, I tried to think of both the greatest and worst things I've ever done. Not an easy task by any means. I like to think that my greatest accomplishments have yet to come, and that my worst mistakes are behind me but there is a decent chance that neither of these statements are true. Picking out a single moment in your life and calling that one moment your greatest accomplishment just seems depressing. Either way, that is irrelevant to the second part of this question. What motivates us to do the things we do? Is it personal justification? Is it social approval? Whatever it may be, motivation is what keeps us going on a day to day basis. In my own experiences I'd say that its a combination of both. But sometimes are own motivation gets in the way of our relationships with others. It can push us to do things that are out of our moral boundaries in hope to better ourselves. So how should we feel about motivation? Is it the greatest feeling that we can have because it continues us to progress or is it the worst thing we can imagine due to its overwhelming ability to cause us to compromise our own personal beliefs. I won't get any more involved with this question because I find it more of a personal dilemma, but take a minute to really think about this for yourself. Keep striving for success, keep striving for improvement, but remember not to let motivation get in your way at the same time.

Merry Christmas Ever. Have a happy holiday everyone.

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